Developing Leadership Skills in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Joint RCOG/Keele University event

5-6 December 2024

In-person | RCOG, London


Join us for this comprehensive course which aims to prepare you to be effective leaders in your speciality and wider organisations.

The two-day course will focus on enabling you to become an effective leader, including topics such as: how to lead a safe team, negotiation, resilience, conflict resolution and reviewing the relevance of personality on leadership style (facilitated by completion of a pre-course Myers-Briggs indicator). 

This course is in high demand and fills up fast, so booking promptly is highly recommended to secure your spot and prevent any letdown. Be aware that the course capacity is capped at 42 participants.

Pre-course work
Participants of this course are required to complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which will be sent to them roughly two weeks before the course begins. It will be utilised for small group discussions throughout the course. Please be aware that to enable this process, the RCOG must share your title, name, and email address with Keele University. For any questions regarding this matter, please reach out to

Course format
This programme has been developed collaboratively between the RCOG and the Keele Clinical Leadership Academy, located in Postgraduate Medicine at Keele University.

Key reasons to attend

This course aims to develop practical leadership skills, which will help you to fulfil the leadership roles and responsibilities described in the GMC’s updated guidance ‘Good Medical Practice 2024’. 

Our faculty includes consultant obstetricians and gynaecologists with experience in clinical leadership and education, working hand-in-hand with colleagues from the Clinical Leadership Academy at Keele University. The ratio of faculty to attendees is high and you will participate actively throughout the two days. Our previous feedback has been positive and rewarding and has helped us to continually develop the course content.