Fees and how to book

This event is being delivered hybrid.

Online Rates - These rates will provide you with access to the event online.

Union Street Rates - These rates will provide you access to the event in-person at the RCOG, Union Street, London. 

The registration fees below are inclusive of online discount and VAT.

Low Resources Countries: Anyone practising in Band B and Band C countries listed here is eligible for the Low Resource Countries delegate rate. You are not eligible if you are originally from one of these countries but now practising elsewhere.

Online Rates

Band A including UK

Full Conference

Standard Rate - £410.00

Fellow/Members Rate - £368.00

Trainee Rate - £330.00

Allied Healthcare Rate - £275.00

Band B and C

Full Conference

Standard Rate - £205.00

Band A including UK

One Day Rate

Standard Rate - £260.00

Fellow/Members Rate - £220.00

Trainees Rate - £175.00

Allied Healthcare Rate - £165.00

Band B and C

One Day Rate

Standard  Rate - £130.00

Union Street Rates

Full Conference

Standard Rate - £583.00

Fellow/Members Rate - £525.00

Trainee Rate - £470.00

Allied Healthcare Rate - £392.00

One Day Rate

Standard Rate - £366.00

Fellow/Members Rate - £314.00

Trainee Rate - £248.00

Allied Healthcare Rate - £232.00

Students Rate

Limited spaces at a discounted Medical Students rate is available for this event.

To check availability and be eligible for this rate, proof of valid Medical Student ID will need to be emailed to events@rcog.org.uk along with the name of the event and your contact number.

Union Street - £100.00

Online - £70.00