Learning objectives

  • Cover theory for ‘Benign Abdominal Surgery: open and laparoscopic’ and ‘Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery for the excision of benign disease' Advanced Training Skills Modules (ATSM). 
  • Cover theory for ’Gynaecological Surgical Care’ and ‘Management of complex non-malignant disease’ Special Interest Training Modules (SITMs) 
  • Understand optimal patient selection 
  • Understand the basis for the most commonly encountered procedures 
  • Have a thorough understanding of adnexal surgery
  • Have an in depth technical understanding of hysterectomy - open and laparoscopic

Attendees of the hands-on practical course on essential skills for laparoscopic hysterectomy will:

  • Gain hands on experience dealing with different practical aspects of laparoscopic hysterectomy including pelvic wall dissection, uterine manipulation, morcellation and colpotomy
  • Develop suturing skills and use these skills to practice vault closure
  • Practice performing additional procedures such as myomectomy, salpingectomy and cystectomy 
  • Learn science of tissue management including different energy modalities and its use in clinical practice
  • Learn to use the stack and camera systems
  • Learn about the different instruments used in laparoscopic surgery

Who should attend

  • All Trainees, consultants and SAS / LE doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology
  • All those with an interest in benign gynaecological surgery
  • Those who are registered, or who plan to register, for the 'Benign abdominal surgery: open and laparoscopic' ATSM
  • Those who are registered, or plan to register for the 'Advanced laparoscopic surgery for the excision of benign disease' ATSM
  • Those who are registered, or plan to register for the ’Gynaecological Surgical Care’ SITM 
  • Those who are registered, or plan to register for the ‘Management of complex non-malignant disease’ SITM
  • Clinicians at all grades who are interested in developing their understanding of intermediate level open and laparoscopic gynaecological surgery and those with an interest in learning to perform laparoscopic hysterectomy

The hands-on practical course on essential skills for laparoscopic hysterectomy would be of interest to:

  • Trainees and consultants interested in laparoscopic surgery or wishing to develop laparoscopic suturing techniques
  • Trainees and consultants interested in laparoscopic surgery or wishing to develop laparoscopic suturing techniques
  • Trainees wishing to develop practical skills required for completion of the relevant ATSMs or SITMs