Fees and how to book

The registration fee (inclusive of online discount and VAT) for this event is:

Full event (online lectures and practical session)

  • Standard rate | £615.00
  • RCOG/BSGE Fellow/Members rate | £552.00
  • Trainee rate | £495.00
  • Allied Healthcare Professional rate | £414.00

Online lectures only | 1 October 2024

Band A including UK
  • Standard rate | £273.00
  • RCOG/BSGE Fellow/Members rate | £231.00
  • Trainee rate | £184.00
  • Allied Healthcare Professional rate | £173.00

Band B and C
  • Standard rate | £137.00

Low resources countries: Anyone practising in Band B and Band C countries listed here is eligible for the low resource countries delegate rate. You are not eligible if you are originally from one of these countries but now practising elsewhere.

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