Call for abstracts


The organising committee welcomes abstracts from quality improvement projects, research and audits in advance of the RCOG event Improving the Quality of Women’s Health Care.  

This year there are two ways for you to present your abstract and showcase your work:

Boaster session

3 minutes oral presentation on your poster in the main programme. The highest scoring abstracts submitted for the boaster presentation will be invited to make a pre-recorded video closer to the event.

Poster presentation

Accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present their work on a virtual walk-rounds of selected posters during the event.

Who can submit an abstract

All trainees, consultants, SAS and LE Doctors, midwives, gynaecology nurses, obstetric anaesthetists, clinical and medical directors, risk and clinical governance managers and members of the wider maternity and gynaecology team are encouraged to submit their work.

Abstract topics/suggestions

Abstracts should highlight lessons learnt and share good practice.

We would particularly welcome submissions for the overarching theme of improving the quality of women’s healthcare with a specific interest in topics from the East Kent report including:

  • Monitoring safety performance- hearing the signals from the noise
  • Promoting professional standards of clinical behaviour
  • Improving team working in difficult situations
  • Framing personalised care with standardised pathways
  • Culture within women’s healthcare, including multidisciplinary team working, leadership and psychological safety

Authors who are selected for a boaster session, or to present a poster will be notified via email, by the latest, on Friday 8 September 2023.

Guidance will be provided on the style for boaster sessions and design parameters for posters, once selected. If your abstract is accepted as a poster or boaster, on the authors will be required to register for the event. 

Instructions for abstract submissions:

  • Authors can submit their work for either a boaster presentation and or poster.
  • Abstracts must be typewritten in English, on the submission form, with all sections complete as follows: Title, Lead author, Email, Institution, Co-authors, Aims/Objectives, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Declaration of conflicts of interest
  • The font size used should not be smaller than 11 points
  • Abstracts should not exceed a maximum 500 words (excludes name, email, affiliation and co-authors) 
  • Only one table or figure should be included in the abstract 
  • Ensure as much information about how the work was carried out, as about the results 
  • Abbreviations should be defined and kept to a minimum
  • The primary author should gain the consent of all the co-authors before submitting the abstract
  • Trainees can submit interesting case reviews but the consent of the patient MUST be obtained
  • Conflict of interest: RCOG want to provide a high-quality event focused on educational content that is free from commercial influence or bias. Thus, the submitting author of an abstract is requested to declare any potential conflicts of interest for all authors during abstract submission.
  • The submission of an abstract indicates a commitment by the submitting (presenting) author to present the abstract (if accepted) at the event.