Learning objectives

At the end of this course, delegates attending will be able to:

  • Discuss with each other and women the evidence to support the management of breech presentation at term, as summarised in RCOG guidelines (2017)
  • Identify the characteristics, based upon the current evidence concerning fetal positions, the mechanisms of breech birth and characteristics of breech labours
  • Identify deviations from standard and their associated risks
  • Clearly communicate with others in the multi-disciplinary team to escalate or lead as appropriate
  • Confidently perform manual interventions to resolve obstruction when the woman is in a supine and an upright position for birth
  • Formulate a plan for their own personal development of breech skills, based upon the available evidence about how professionals develop competence and expertise

Who should attend

  • Consultants, SAS/Trust doctors and trainees in O&G
  • Those who are registered, or plan to register for the Advanced Labour Ward Practice and Labour Ward Lead ATSMs
  • Midwives, neonatologists and clinicians who spend a significant amount of time on the labour ward